effective and powerful GOTV campaigns and communications
strengthened coalition work with both 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) entities
successful ballot measures in Ohio, Michigan, Vermont, and California (and hopefully many more in 2024)
increased lobbying and advocacy by c3s across the repro space
We are very excited to share Getting to Yes: Helping Groups Maximize Advocacy and Fight for Reproductive Rights, Health, and Justice in a Post-Dobbs United States detailing the Forefront Project’s work to date.
From 17 clients in our first year to well over 100 in 2024, we’ve had the honor of supporting incredible organizations that work to advance and defend reproductive rights, health, and justice. Forefront is a compliance ally across the constellation of organizations in this essential work. We are proud to be in community with advocacy, education, and policy organizations; clinics; abortion funds; and state and regional coalitions.
This work is more important than ever. Thank you for believing in the Forefront’s Project mission to guide, strengthen, and defend reproductive rights, health, and justice organizations. We are also tremendously grateful to our Advisory Board and the many organizations who provided testimonials about our work.
Special thanks to BerlinRosen for their design expertise!